Saturday, 12 July 2014

My voice against brutality

As most of you might know that there have been some serious bombings being done by Israel on their non-existent neighbour (which was previously a country), Gaza. Statistics show that in total more than 1500 Palestinians have been killed while only 13 Israelis lost their lives. Isn't that ironic? Is that what you call war? No this is a genocide. A massacre. And guess what? The international community seems to be quiet. The champions of human rights, the United States of America and the United Kingdom seem to be ignorant. Remember 9/11? Remember how the eyes of the people got full of tears? (no intentions of saying that they were somehow wrong) but here is where the irony comes; Ever since that, millions of innocent Muslims have been killed, bombed and injured in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Gaza, Bahrain and a lot if other countries. But they remained quiet. And now they are quiet again. Since 1947, the Zionist movement has snatched land from the Palestinians who originally owned it. Yes some was bought but a lot of it was taken away... And then, when the people of Gaza retaliated, Israel has been conducting operations.

What my purpose of posting is? Not to whine about it, but through this platform, I hold my self responsible of awakening my readers. Yes! While we are relaxing, partying and having fun in our life, the Palestinians are being killed. The mothers in Gaza are worrying about  their kids. They simply don't know when they will be next. While we are whining about bad hair days, less pocket money, slow internet or our bosses/ teachers, the people in Gaza are fighting for their rights, their land. Fighting for LIFE.

I stand with my Palestinian brothers and sisters. You should too! And you don't need to be a Muslims for that, you just need to be a human being. You need to have a heart. You need to have humanity; for I see humans but no humanity.

Oh and on a very serious note: Please know the difference between Zionists and Jews. Don't ever justify Hitler's holocaust on basis of what Israel is doing. Zionism is a movement, not a religion. Judaism is a religion. You need to respect that. No matter which religion you belong to, you have no right to blame all of this on the Jews. Please don't. Blaming all the Jews for what Israel is doing is like blaming all Muslims for what the Al-Qaeda has been doing. There are good and bad people everywhere. Not all Muslims are like Osama bin laden. Not all Christians are like Adolf Hitler. Not all Jews are Zionists.
Photo taken from ZaidAliT.

I am a Pakistani Muslim and I stand for Gaza. I am against Zionism, not Judaism. :)

*The statistics have been taken from Wikipedia
*Pardon the quality of this article. I wasn't in the mood of writing a good piece. I just wanted to get the message across and honestly,  didn't have much words and vocabulary to express it. 
*Share this.
*Show your support
*Write about it if you can
*Spread awareness
*Keep in mind the difference between Jews and Zionists, 


Saturday, 5 July 2014

Mercato Mall, Dubai: A journey through Photos

Hello guys!! It's been such a long time since I've last posted here... Actually I was on vacations from the 20th June to the 28th.

So I went to Dubai for the first time in my life and I found it to be a wonderful city. In this post, I am not going to write much. What I'm going to do is show off my photography skills (not that I am a proper photographer but I like practicing it as a hobby.)

I went to the Mercato Mall in Dubai and I loved the way it is designed and decorated. So here it goes.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you......The..... Mercato Mall!!!!